Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Back to school already

Well this has been a short summer. For the first time since I was 16 I have summer school. Luckily it is an afternoon class and only two days a week. Two weeks down and so far so good. Honestly, I am not really enjoying it, but it isn't horrible.

Despite being back to school we are still on summer schedule. The kids and I have completely switched our sleeping schedule around, staying up until 3am most nights. The problem is Kara starts summer school next week and has to be to school, for PE at 8:00. Glenn will be taking her in the morning, thank goodness. But I am still worried about her that first few days. I have been trying to start getting everyone to bed a little earlier but it isn't working too well.

Why can't I be one of those people who love mornings? My mom was a morning person, always up before the alarm, happy and ready for the day. But I have never been like that. There are pictures of me as a child on Christmas morning, my siblings all happy and excited and me with a look on my face saying, "why am I out of bed?" Instead of being excited to get up in the morning, I love staying up late. Even when I am so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open, I just don't want to get up and go to bed. This is why I find myself staying up until 3am watching Ice Road Truckers or Jon and Kate plus 8. You would think if I am going to stay up so late we should be doing something fun, but no I am watching some stupid show on tv. It is funny when we are all up at 2:30 and the dog (who sleeps in Kara's room) has a look on her face, begging us to go to bed. When Kara gets up and heads in the direction of her room, the dog jumps up excited only to find out Kara is only going to the kitchen or something. Maybe I need to learn something from the dog about not staying up so late.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Lisa, I am so with you on the night person thing. One of my favorite things is staying up late with Sean on the weekends watching movies or listening to the radio. It's hard when your body isn't wired to be up and functioning early. I have a friend who gets up happily at 4:30 am every day. I can't even fathom. I like to sleep in.