Sunday, February 1, 2009


I love the snow! We had a big snow storm this week; Muncie got about foot of snow. With a 1/4 mile long driveway we were snowed in. We had someone come plow our road but I still had plenty of snow shoveling to do. I have lived here five years now, and I am beginning to feel semi confident in my show shoveling ability. It is one of the best exercises in the world. I never know how exhausted I am until I sit down, and then I collapse. I guess I need to learn to slow down a bit on the shoveling. I am also, just this year, learning the difference between a wet and a dry snow. All we have had thus far this year is dry snow, which means we haven't been able to build a snowman yet. As a native Arizonan I still have a lot to learn about this powdery white stuff, but I still love it all.